Jaccard Meat Tenderizer

A Jaccard Meat tenderizer is a handheld meat tenderizer that allows you to tenderize your meat without changing it's shape (e.g. pounding it with a meat mallet) or adding chemical tenderizers.
It is basically a series of long, thin, stainless steal blades that penetrate the meat to provide tenderness. It is extremely useful in tenderizing large, tough pieces of meat, such as brisket, and also allows more of the rub flavor to get into the meat. I have also found this tool to be useful in getting a good texture on things like fried chicken, where home cooks lacking a pressure fryer often are not able to get that soft, juicy texture.
It is not recommended to use a Jaccard on meat that you are not going to fully cook, like steak or prime rib, as the blades run the risk of carrying bacteria from the outside of the meat to the inner portion of the meat.